Thank you for participating in our beta testing phase! Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring the effectiveness of our safety screening process. Follow these steps to thoroughly test our ID verification and background check features:

Let’s find out what device you have.

If you have Android, click here. If you have Apple, click here.

  • Choose the link that corresponds to your device to download the app
  • Launch the app, use this QR Code, and follow the prompts go through the ID verification and background check
  • Observe how the system handles your request
  • Report any issues, unexpected outcomes or discrepancies encountered during the process by submitting your feedback via the link provided
  • Confirm that the results align with your actual background.

Remember that your input will directly impact the safety and security of our platform. Thank you for being part of our beta testing community!

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your commitment to ensuring a safe user experience!

Recent Posts

  • How we capture your feedback

  • How to test the app

  • How to test our Safety Screen Process

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